Mitt Romney

On Tuesday, February 13, Governor Mitt Romney will travel to Michigan, the place he was born, to formally declare his intention to seek the Presidency of the United States of America. As one of the Governor's earliest supporters, we invite you to watch his announcement speech streamed live on the web at 9:00 a.m. EST: Click here to watch Governor Romney's presidential announcement.
I received this message in my e-mail from Mitt Romney's campaign manager.

I must admit, I'm excited for what Romney's running for President could do for the Church and its members. As he becomes more familiar to the public, I suspect that his faith will be questioned and analyzed and speculated to death and back; opportunities for sharing the gospel will frequently be presented to the members of the Church because of the heightened awareness of Mormons in contemporary society. And as always, the adversary will create tension between Latter-day Saints and the rest of America. But think about all the barriers that could be transcended if a Mormon won the white house; the great achievements we would see if someone truly in-tune with the Spirit held the most powerful political position in existence.

I will be old enough to vote for the first time in the 2008 election. What better first-time election could I ask for? If all goes according to plan, I will be in Utah at BYU by the time the presidential election comes around.

I'll be old enough to vote, and in a place where "Republican" is not a dirty word.

(Maryland: Where our crabs are as blue as our Democrats)

1 comment:

Joe Vasicek said...

Interesting. Mitt Romney's campaign is definitely going to cause a shift in the dialogue between LDS, neutral non-LDS, and anti-Mormons. It'll probably be a mix of good and bad. Whether or not Romney makes the Republican ticket, he'll definitely carry any polls or elections out here in Utah. I volunteered with the Utah Colleges Exit poll, and EVERY person who said they were Republican (basically, 99%) also said they'd vote for Romney out of a list of 12 other politicians, including McCain and several Republican hopefuls. But I think the best thing would be, not to vote in Utah (which is already going to go to Romney) but to vote absentee in your home state. That's what I did - it's pretty easy, so long as you apply for an absentee ballot several weeks in advance. The state website will tell you how to do that.

Nice blog! Keep it up!

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