Samuel the Lamanite and the Condemnation of Wealth
If you, like me, managed to go to Church today and not hear a single word of what Samuel the Lamanite was calling his people to repent of — despite the fact that this is the lesson we were all supposed to be learning today — let's contemplate his message together. Samuel the Lamanite was a prophet in the Book of Mormon who came right before the time of Christ. He came to deliver a message that had several components to it: Condemning his people for their wealth inequality, greed, and corruption — including delivering a curse upon the people that their riches would become "slippery" and be taken from them. Preaching the gospel and calling those people to believe in Jesus Christ and repent. Prophesying of the signs that would follow the birth of Christ (three days of light) and his death (three days of darkness) You cannot fully contemplate the second and third tasks without fully grasping the first. My Sunday School teacher texted me at home to ask me to