The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives: Perpetuating the Caricature of Seduction
I full-contact tackled Ballerina Farms for being a caricature and a distortion of Latter-day Saint women. I would be remiss of I didn't point out how The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives are the same thing, just wearing different dresses. And this time around, I want to talk more about the lore of the Mormon woman in caricature. Mormon women have been dealing with very specific flavors of misogyny for a very long time. It changes based on who it's coming from and who its intended audience is. We have our own established stereotypes and tropes, which entire media empires have been built on to perpetuate. The Real Housewives of Salt Lake and The Real Lives of Mormon Wives fit into this historical landscape of caricature that provides a larger cultural context for those who watch those shows. The Origins of Misogyny Towards Latter-day Saint Women Mormon women were treated with a great deal of suspicion and mistrust in the United States from the origins of the community in the 1830s.