Finding Blessings in General Conference

General Conference has been a great blessing in my life. It has answered many questions and been the source of much inspiration for me. But more than anything else, I've received valuable insight into different projects on which I should start working, and topics I should study in the weeks and months to come.

Here's my list of lessons I gained from General Conference, and how I intend to apply them in my life:

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Elder Nelson, Elder Hales, and President Uchtdorf all emphasized the importance of being fearless in the face of rejection, and replacing fear with faith. I need to study Courage and pray to have it every day so I'll never be afraid to act when the Lord needs me to act for Him. 
Elder Eyring spoke of the legacy of faith we leave to our descendants. Elder William Walker also spoke about recording our personal/family history. These messages are ones I need to revisit often and ponder. I need to spend some time pondering on the power of a positive example, and correct those things in my example that may be lacking. I need to write in my journal more often, aiming for several times a week. I also need to begin preserving my talks, lessons, memories, and voice recordings to share with my children and descendants.  
Elder W. Craig Zwick taught about using affirming language in marriage. Much of what President Monson spoke about seemed to echo those teachings. He used Lehi and Sariah as examples, when Lehi was comforting Sariah. I want to find more examples of this type of interaction between husbands and wives in the scriptures. Possible places I can start are with Jacob and Rachel, Adam and Eve, etc. 
Elder Quentin L. Cook gave some appalling data on how members are using FamilySearch. 51% of adults registered on FamilySearch don't have parents listed. 65% don't have all four grandparents listed. I've been blessed with a great talent for family history, and have completed most of my genealogy by myself. I want to volunteer to help members in my ward (especially new converts) begin their family history. 
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke about gratitude. I formed a question about the relationship between gratitude and repentance. I need to ponder this, study it, and journal about it.
Elder M. Russell Ballard reminded me that I need to continue using Preach My Gospel as a returned missionary every day. I need to help my ward understand how to study it and apply it in their lives. 
Sister Stephens also reminded me to always strive to be a blessing to others. I need to find opportunities to serve someone each day. No act of service is too small. 
Elder Gary Stevenson mentioned Elder Bednar's family assessment. I want to start using that at least once a month for family home evening. Ideally I'd like to encourage my husband to use it consistently, as a way to exercise his priesthood authority in our home. 
Elder Bednar invited me to consider what I should be learning from my load, and analyze whether it's giving me necessary traction. I can make this a point of analysis, study, and prayer as a means of stress management. 
Elder L. Tom Perry spoke about forging stronger family ties. I received some pretty specific instructions from the Spirit that I should take more pictures, ask my family members more questions about their lives, and call them more often. Most of what I was thinking about ties back to my insights from Elder Cook and Elder Walker. 
Elder Teh reminded me that I need to be in control of my finances. I desperately need to make a budget. His remarks tied in completely with Elder Aidukaitus's counsel to manage my time more effectively. I need to cut idleness and waste out of my life. Scheduling and budgeting will allow me to enjoy my life more.

I love General Conference. It gives me the wisdom and vision I need to move forward with many challenges in my life. The counsel from my leaders brings me closer to Jesus Christ. I hear and feel Him speaking to me through their wisdom. It's how I know they're truly called of God to lead and guide the Church today. I know that as I act on these things I've been inspired to do through the Spirit, my life will be blessed. I'll be happier, my relationships with others will be sweeter, and I'll have a greater capacity to be a powerful disciple of Christ.

I know that God is our Father. I know that Jesus is the Christ. They lead and guide the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today. Of this I have no doubt. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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