What's going on with Corona Virus?

In case you haven't been following corona virus, here's what you need to know: Because of the slow incubation period, combined with inadequate responses from every government, the virus has already spread to an untold number of places.

By the time enough people are getting sick that the government knows they need to do something, it's already too late. It's only a matter of time before communities in the U.S. start becoming infected in a widespread way.

Here's the crucial point: racism is not going to save you at this point. Avoiding Asian people and establishments is not going to prevent you from getting sick. You're more likely to get sick from a white person who has been to China recently than Asian people who live here full time and have for years.

If you develop cold or flu symptoms, do all the stuff you would normally do for a cold. Clean shared surfaces. Cover your mouth when you cough. Wash your hands frequently. Avoid sharing contact of your mouth and nose fluids with anyone else. If your illness turns into pneumonia or you have trouble breathing, get medical attention immediately. Get tested for corona virus. 

My husband's coworker just got tested for it here in Idaho (was negative) so they're doing testing at hospitals at least.

As for emergency preparedness in case your community gets hit badly enough that public services start shutting down, start working on essentials so you would need to leave your house as infrequently as possible. What do you buy a lot that you can't live without? Stock up on that. Stock up on medication to avoid having to go to the pharmacy. And if you have animals, don't forget to stock up for them too.

As for specific items to have on hand, the first items to go through shortages are face masks and hand sanitizer. If you want to access those in an emergency, get them now. Also, stick up on trash bags, as anyone who becomes infected needs to isolate their trash and double bag.

I also saw that the Chinese are sanitizing drains to prevent spread from the sewer. Something to think about if you live in close proximity to other people. 

If you don't have a lot of money for disinfectant, buy bleach and learn how to dilute with water in a spray bottle. Get in the habit of sanitizing items and surfaces that are frequently touched like cabinets, water taps, door handles, remotes, etc.

If you have contact with the elderly, young people, sick people, or immune compromised people, this is especially important for you. Those are the people who are most susceptible to becoming gravely ill. Start enforcing good hygiene for yourself and others.

We can minimize the spread of infection by doing some pretty basic stuff. We already know there's a viable risk, so start taking precautions now.
[Note: This is a repost of a Twitter thread I wrote at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was based on the best available information at that time. For updated guidance on COVID-19, consult the guidelines of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, or the health ministry where you live.]

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